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Chiossi e Cavazzuti  |  SKU: 106006

SPEEDY T2005 folding machine

11.920,00€ HT

...€ HT ou dès ...€ HT/mois sur ... mois

36 mois48 mois60 mois

Offre réservée aux professionnels sous réserve d'acceptation du dossier par notre partenaire financier.

Conditions de financement

Les loyers sont à majorer de la TVA en vigueur. Périodicité mensuelle, terme à échoir, règlement des loyers par prélèvement SEPA. Valeur résiduelle 2%
Valable sur du matériel MUST TECHNOLOGIE. Barème non contractuel, modifiable à tout moment sans préavis en fonction des taux de refinancement.
Conditions valables sous réserve d’acceptation par le Client des Conditions Générales et Particulières de crédit-bail de FRANFINANCE, SASU au capital de 31 357 776 Euros, ayant pour numéro unique d’identification 719 807 406 RCS NANTERRE, Siège social : 53 rue du Port – CS 90201 – 92724 Nanterre Cedex, intermédiaire en assurance inscrite à l’ORIAS n° 07 008 346 - www.orias.fr, et sous réserve d’acceptation du dossier de financement du Client par FRANFINANCE.
L’opération comporte 150€ HT de frais d’étude et de montage de dossier et 43€ HT de frais de greffe. Les conditions tarifaires à taux fixe proposées ci-dessus sont celles applicables.

The SPEEDY-T is a folding, semi-automatic packing machine. Indispensable for a quick and uniform folding of t-shirts.

It can be adapted to all shapes and sizes available on the market.

The easy-to-adjust and interchangeable blades allow the fold to be adjusted to the desired size in seconds, so that it is possible to fold baby t-shirts as well as extra large sizes.

The SPEEDY-T's success factors are reliable bending quality coupled with its robust production capabilities. With more than 800 units permanently operating on 5 continents, this revolutionary machine allows for exceptional savings in terms of time and logistical processes.

The movable blades have been redesigned and constructed with new lightweight and strong materials. A special non-slip paint covers the surface, ensuring invisible results, even with light or thin clothes. The blades are placed on rails which can be adjusted in seconds without any additional equipment, to guarantee endless possibilities of folding and to adapt to all sizes.

In recent years, the exterior design has been completely transformed, thanks to a solid and compact structure, in order to facilitate access to internal components and simplify handling. The control panel has also undergone considerable optimization thanks to a simple and intuitive keypad and an LCD screen equipped with diagnostic functions, production counting and 10 customized folding programs.

Speedy-T can work in two ways:

  • With stacker: the folded t-shirt is placed perfectly on a stacker which descends thanks to a photocell allowing to form a stack
  • Upside down packing: when the selected work cycle ends, the t-shirt is folded onto the last slide on which it can be easily packed into a bag.

The electronic control device allows the following functions:

  • Choice of 10 folding programs
  • Customization of bending programs that can be saved in memory
  • Self-diagnosis of anomalies and / or faults
  • Number of t-shirts produced, indicating when the preset number of pieces is reached
  • Hourly production programming, with sound signal for productions below the minimum set threshold
  • Language selection (Italian, French, English, Spanish, German)
  • Programming protected by means of an access code

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Speedy T Brochure

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Méthodes de paiement

  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Vos informations de paiement sont traitées en toute sécurité. Nous ne conservons pas les détails de votre carte de crédit et n'y avons pas accès.

Chiossi e Cavazzuti

SPEEDY T2005 folding machine

11.920,00€ HT



Largeur de travail


Nb de têtes d'impression


Taille de travail


Type d'encre


Couleurs d'encre


Vitesse 4 Pass


Vitesse 6 Pass


Vitesse 8 Pass






Température de l'environnement de travail




Taille de la machine






Pays de fabrication


Type de tête d'impression










Résolution Max


Production Max


Consommation d'énergie moyenne


Diamètre cylindre inférieur en chrome dur


Diamètre cylindre supérieur en silicone


Largeur de la ceinture












Taille de la bande


Vitesse de la bande




Pression Max


Température Max


Régulation du temps max


Dimensions de la plaque






Taille de l'emballage


Température de la plaque de préchauffage


Vitesse de travail maximale


Température de chauffage


Longueur tube chauffant


The SPEEDY-T is a folding, semi-automatic packing machine. Indispensable for a quick and uniform folding of t-shirts.

It can be adapted to all shapes and sizes available on the market.

The easy-to-adjust and interchangeable blades allow the fold to be adjusted to the desired size in seconds, so that it is possible to fold baby t-shirts as well as extra large sizes.

The SPEEDY-T's success factors are reliable bending quality coupled with its robust production capabilities. With more than 800 units permanently operating on 5 continents, this revolutionary machine allows for exceptional savings in terms of time and logistical processes.

The movable blades have been redesigned and constructed with new lightweight and strong materials. A special non-slip paint covers the surface, ensuring invisible results, even with light or thin clothes. The blades are placed on rails which can be adjusted in seconds without any additional equipment, to guarantee endless possibilities of folding and to adapt to all sizes.

In recent years, the exterior design has been completely transformed, thanks to a solid and compact structure, in order to facilitate access to internal components and simplify handling. The control panel has also undergone considerable optimization thanks to a simple and intuitive keypad and an LCD screen equipped with diagnostic functions, production counting and 10 customized folding programs.

Speedy-T can work in two ways:

The electronic control device allows the following functions:

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Speedy T Brochure

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